Today, smart e-shops or product manufacturers have a wide range of options for expanding abroad. It is also possible without the need to invest a huge amount of money and energy in visiting events, if they do research using the available Google tools right at the beginning.
Demonstration of demand research on a concrete example
To demonstrate what such a quick exploration of export possibilities and sales via the Internet can look like, I decided to choose a product that is sold globally, is easily transported, and is also a consumer product that needs to be purchased constantly.
The target group of customers is from B2B, companies buy it in hundreds or thousands of pieces, and if they are satisfied, orders are usually repeated. We used English as the search language.

Plastic seal - used, for example, in logistics
In this example, we will try to do research within the global market, which we will then divide into individual areas (EU, where we will take a closer look at Germany, fast developing markets, Asia and North and South America).
We searched for the terms:
- plastic seals
- plastic seal
- security seals
- security seal
- cargo seal
- cargo seals
- safety seal
- safety seals
- truck seals
- truck seal
- container seal
- container seals
Number of searches in Europe:
It is indicated by a colour scale. Countries without filling were minor from the search point of view, and thus were not even included in the search.
From the point of view of the price/performance/number of searches, the Hungarian market is the most interesting, where the number of searches is at the level of 880 terms per month in English with an average price of 0.22 euros/click.
In terms of price, Romania is also interesting, where a search campaign could also be targeted, but the number of searches is only 170/month.
For comparison, it looks like this on the German market:
Over 1,710 terms are searched on average per month, of which approx. 390 are in English and the rest in German. However, the prices per click are on average about 2 euros/click.
From the point of view of the so-called fast developing:
From the point of view of the group of these countries, Russia appears to be the most interesting.
From the perspective of Asian countries:
From the perspective of Asia, Kazakhstan is the most interesting.
From the perspective of North and South America:
The US market is interesting here, but the prices are at the level of about 6 USD, which is a little more than we are used to here.
Of course, we do not know the specific logistical possibilities and a number of other details, such as customs matters and local conditions, but from the point of view of the price/performance ratio, it seems the most appropriate in the first wave to go to the markets of Hungary, Finland and Russia.
As a rule, smart Slovak companies use two options:
- If they sell "regular goods" such as clothes, glasses, LED bulbs, printer cartridges: With a well-chosen survey, they have an advantage over their competitors and can occupy good and cheap positions in less developed markets, for example Hungary, Romania, South-Eastern Europe or recently discovered Ukraine. As a result, they can win the favour of customers and either quickly maximise immediate profit or build a completely new brand in a new market.
- Companies that directly manufacture the product or sell less than a dozen goods, for example for B2B clients, can relatively easily find out where there is room for sales. It often doesn't even have to take place on the Internet, many times the goal is just to show up and establish a relationship. The sending of a sample of the goods and the actual sale of additional pieces will be agreed upon individually.
I hope this demo will help you make a decision and guide you how to try some of the many Google tools you can find here:
If you are really serious about exporting, we will be happy to help you expand to new markets.